Welcome in my So'Holistic World!!! I am passionate with massages and body treatments but also am a makeup, beauty and fitness addict. On my blog I will share with you my experience as an 8 years massage therapist and energy healer in the luxury spa industry but also my love for makeup and beauty. I will also share about London, the city where I have been living for the past 5 years. So stay tuned, positivity is coming to you trough my blog. Holistically yours, Sonia

We Love It

Maecenas massa risus, dignissim vel ultricies venenatis, aliquet sed est. Donec tempus varius cursus. Nullam egestas ac arcu quis tempus. Sed dignissim nulla nulla, nec rutrum leo scelerisque vel. Curabitur pellentesque dignissim purus et mollis. Fusce rhoncus nisi odio, vitae vestibulum tellus rhoncus non. Integer id est at dui sagittis posuere. Pellentesque velit nisl, tristique nec lectus ac, mattis pretium tellus. Sed nec nulla libero.

Images from Park and Cube

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